This is the hunt for 3 tonnes of stolen gold. Told by the police who were there, this is the true story of Britain’s biggest bullion heist. It reveals how 1980s banking practice, the desire to rebuild London’s docklands and a lack of money laundering regulation all aid the robbers and handlers as they transform the biggest gold bullion haul into cash – and in doing so change our nation forever.

“A deft blend of gloriously grainy archive, snappy soundtrack and gruff types talking in dilapidated warehouses” The Saturday Telegraph

“It is an extraordinary yarn populated by dogged good guys and truly reprehensible wrong ‘uns” The Daily Telegraph

“Our pick of the best to watch, don’t miss out on this true crime drama” The Mirror
“This real-life coppers’ tale was more dramatic than The Sweeney” The Daily Mail

I edited this film for BBC1 with Director Todd Austin of Bohemia Films.
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